
Tuesday, May 29, 2012


The last 2 weeks have been insane I tell ya. I can't even wrap my head around the hours of each day because it was so intense. We worked many 12 hour days preparing for our first fair event to promote our business and then we ran the event unexpectedly because our good friend who was suppose to work the week ended up in a pretty gnarly car accident. ( yes, I just said gnarly) She's okay thank god but we were a total mess complete with BH contractions that nearly made me run to labor and delivery and way less sleep then should be illegal.

Our event went splendid and I was thankful we we're only in the high 70s and 80s weather wise. Being on my feet all day in the heat wasn't on the top of my joy list but we survived!

Please excuse my absence while I get caught up on rest, prepare for our baby shower this Saturday and our annual Vegas vacation on Sunday. I promise, I'll be back, just sit tight!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Summer Time Blues And Clothing Woes

I"m really missing Oregon right now. I knew once I got that postive test back in December that It was going to be a long Summer. I just didn't think Summer would come this early.

You see, I kind of got accustomed to Oregon Spring. If you have no idea about the pacific northwest weather, well let me just tell you a bit about that beauty. It could rain, snow, sleet or hail all in the matter of minutes. A gorgeous 80 degree day? Can snow that night. I love it. I love the warm Spring days mixed in with the chilly cool nights. I'm not ready for 100 degree days. I'm especially not ready when almost 7 months pregnant. Can you hear me whining? Would you like to send me some cheese? I'm miserably hot over here guyyyyyys.

I've been to 4 stores in the last few weeks looking for maternity shorts. Except all of our local stores ( Target, Kohls, Jcpennys, Old Navy) doesn't have any. Or better yet, they have 1 style in 1 size ( XS. Who wears an XS while pregnant? I hate you right now. I kid, I kid.)

So I did the next best thing and ordered some online. In fact, I ordered 10 pieces of clothing from Kohls and when it arrived? I sobbed. Every single piece needed to be returned. It was too big, too small, too frumpy. Same goes with my Old Navy order. The fact of the matter for me, is that I have to try it on. I'm way to picky about the way my outfits fit and I refuse to keep buying things online only to turn around and have to return them.

So my fellow mamas. Where are you getting your maternity clothes? Am I too early for Summer to demand my fave stores carry more then 1 style of shorts?

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Wedding Photos Revealed

We've had our wedding photos for weeks. I mentioned before that we couldn't post anything because both parents check in on our blog and we had books made for Mother Day.

I can say first hand I absolutely LOVE our photos and I'm so glad we found our amazing photographer. If or when we ever get back to Maui I will absolutely be booking a family session with her. She was a complete natural and made us feel so comfortable. When we're doing photos I like when the photographer takes charge and gets us into positions that just flow. While I like the natural approach as well, there needs to be a balance of both.

Without further ado; Some of our favorite images.







(I just had a wave go up my butt. HA!)



There are so many more, but these were a few of our favorites! I definitely need to do a few outtake photos. My husband lost his flipflop and I was his savior. I stomped my way into the ocean to get it. Waves we're pounding in during our pictures and lets just say my dress is a bit see through when wet ;)

huge props to our photographer Mariah!

Friday, May 11, 2012

27 weeks

This week has been both insane and mundane. I worked 2- 12 hour days and then I've had work at home days the rest of the week. My to do list always seems a mile long and yet I find myself walking in circles wondering what the heck I should do. I'm thinking I'm a tad overwhelmed and throw a little guilt on the fact that I'm not doing as much as my husband and other crew members it just makes an emotional Krystie.

I had my first pregnancy melt down last night. It was so silly and looking at it now I can't believe I fell into the ugly cry for 2 hours. You see;My husband and our friend we're suppose to be here at 7 for dinner. I made sure to get the house cleaned up, and cut up a millions melons and make homemade enchiladas. I just wanted them both to come home to a hot meal and a clean house after working in a warehouse all day long. I got a text at 7pm saying they we're running late but were going to leave in 30 minutes. No big deal, I could hold off putting the dinner in the oven. Then I get a second text message saying they just left at 7:30pm. I put the dinner in the oven. By this time, I'm absolutely starving but holding off on any snacks. I know the drive takes 30 minutes and I expected them to walk in the door at 8:00. They didn't end up getting home until after 8:30 and I lost my shit. I was pissed off that dinner was now cold. I was pissed off that nobody texted to tell me they we're stopping at Costco for bottled water ( that we very much needed) and I was pissed off that they both thought it was funny that I was that upset over 30 minutes ( which was actually 1 hour and 30 minutes.) My husband ended up getting in the shower and realizing I was upset and he came to comfort me. It wasn't my proudest moment and I've now decided pregnancy hormones are the devil.

Moving on. My bump is now huge and there is zero definition of ribs vs boobs vs belly. I feel like everything just meshes together with how high baby and my uterus seemed to be sitting.

27 weeks
( looking glamorous this week eh? I haven't been out of my jammies for 2 days)
And because I'm starting to get the belly button question, here she is in all her glory. I can't believe I'm posting this.
27 weeks bare
The belly button is getting very shallow but I still have doubts it will fully pop out. I have a reallllly deep belly button

How far along:

27 weeks and 3 days. I'm officially a 3rd trimester and it feels so good to have made it this far. I'm loving pregnancy again and not wishing it away this week. ( that could change next week, ha!)My baby is super active and I love waking up to the kicks and movement we've been getting. This morning, my belly was completely lopsided and both C and I couldn't help but laugh.

How are you feeling:

Headache free this week! I had my glucose test a few days ago and that was absolutely miserable. I was told to go to a specific office only to get there and have them tell me I needed to be there 1 hour sooner because my test would interfere with their lunch. I ended up driving 30 minutes away to the next office and had 20 people ahead of me. They wouldn't start my test until I was next on the line which I found ridiculous. Once the test was started they had a hard time getting my veins to cooperate. It took 3 needles in one arm and then they ended up going through my hand. Ouch! The drink itself? Not so bad. I had the orange flavor and brought a cup of ice and a straw to make it go down faster. It tasted like an overly sweetened sunkist soda. I thought I would only be in there for the house but the technician informed me that all glucose test in California are 2 hours. Greeeeeat. I have 8 needles pokes total and now I look like a drug user, ha!


I'm having major food aversions to meat lately and so I've been on a ritz cracker and American cheese kick. I'm also loving frozen lemonades ( Hello 100 degree weather!)and fruit.

Weight gain/loss:

24 lbs. No gain this week, thank god. I'm sure it's my appetite that has decreased and that thanksgiving stuffed feeling after just a small amount, but with the huge growth spurt, I thought for sure I'd tip the scale.


so much movement and now it's pretty routine. I know that first thing in the morning (between 5:30am and 6;30am)baby is very active. I always grab C's hand in his half sleepy daze and put it on my belly so he has baby interaction. Right before lunch, right before dinner and just as I lay in bed baby wiggles, flips, kicks, and moves.I absolutely love the bonding experience I'm getting through all of this and I'll surely miss all of these blissful moments when baby comes out.


We'll see in August!

What I'm loving:

All the rsvp's coming in for the baby shower and our short 4-day business trip coming up in 3 days. Have I mentioned the insane work hours lately? My husband leaves the house at 9:30am and if I'm lucky he is home at 10pm. 1 night he didn't get home until 1:30am. I miss him! I went shopping with a blog and twitter friend turned in real life friend and was able to get 2 cute dresses. I can't wait to put my maxi on for a work event and a nice evening out with my mother in law and husband. Feeling very blessed this week despite my emotional outburst and my crazy work hours!

26 weeks

I know I JUST posted my 25 week post but let's just pretend I'm on time, okay? okay. This week I've been down with another migraine ( that makes 2 in 2 weeks) ugh. They really knock me down, and I'm not sure what else to do. I monitor my salt and sugar intake which is normally the initiating factor for me. I've now upped my dose of magnesium to 1000mgs and the doctor gave me a prescription that has a high dose of Tylenol and caffeine. We'll see how both play out. We're gearing up for some busy weeks coming up, which I'm both dreading and looking forward to. It's all work related and while we love what we do, a lot of my responsibilities have been put on someone else. My husband and crew members will not let me lift a finger to move, lift, paint, nothing! It's hard when you feel your limited but also makes me feel so blessed.

On my 25 week post I missed out on my weekly picture. I really try to make sure I get one since I want to eventually put all of these posts in a baby book. But let's just say last week I didn't blow dry my hair or put on make up the entire week. It was hot, we were working, I was down for the count or I just threw on a hat. I really was looking a hot mess. This week I'm trying to make an effort!
26 weeks ( My date night outfit that I ended up changing out of because I felt I looked like a blob)

How far along:

26 weeks 2 days. Officially 6 months pregnant. I now have less then 100 days to go until my due date. I do realize my due date could be right on par of 2 weeks off, but it's still mind blowing. I'm starting to get the I just wanna hold my baby itch. I'm trying SO hard not to wish my pregnancy away and really, I LOVE being pregnant. But having more then 5 shirts in my wardrobe and not having to huff and puff when trying to shave my legs sounds fabulous. Still trucking along though!

How are you feeling:

Have I mentioned migraines? They are the absolute devil. I'm getting winded a bit more and it's definitely allergy season. The amount of tissues we go through right now is insane. I also have a "pirate eye" which is my flaming red eye that is watery and itchy all day long. Sleeping is hit or miss. I cradle myself in between 2 body pillows, one on each side. When I have to roll over, I grab our blankets in a wad to help lift me up and do a big ol' flip to the other side. It's really quite comical and thinking ahead how much bigger this belly is going to get makes me feel like I need a crane.

Side note, I'm switching the stretchmark question to a cravings question. I have stretch marks, you know that. They're not going anywhere.


Hansen's root-beer soda and good ol' coke a cola. I've also been loving Popsicle and Trader Joes pasta and sauce.

Weight gain/loss:

24 lbs. I'm averaging 1-3 lbs a week depending on the week.I've been noticing I'm really hungry for lunch but eating smaller breakfast and dinner. The late night bowl of cereal has stopped but I've added in another snack right before dinner. My doctor says I'll more the likely maintain or lose weight in my 3rd trimester. The baby is sitting high, so my insides are getting squished resulting in me getting full very fast and feeling out of breath after my meal.


We've had a bit of a slow down this week. Baby is still kicking and squirming away but not in the usual time frame. It had me worried for a few days because the movement decreased so much. After observing for a few days the moving hasn't really decreased per say, but just changed times. Now baby is more active in the middle of the day when I'm working and around 3:30am-4:30am. This probably means my kid is never going to sleep at night. Joy.


We'll see in August!

What I'm loving:

Baby shower invites are out!There was also a facebook page set up for rsvping. Gotta love technology! We put in our request for a garage unit at our apartment to start storing baby gear. I found our Bob stroller online for $175 cheaper then I found them anywhere else plus free shipping. I'm really wanting to order that baby and have that as one big item off our list. I booked out maternity and newborn session and scheduled us for our 3d/4d ultrasound. We initially weren't going to do them, but our doctors office was offering a great deal and since we likely will not have another ultrasound unless there is a medical reason to do so, we opted to have a few more photos of the stubborn cute little baby. I ordered a few more summer outfits from kohls and old navy and they cannot come soon enough. My maternity shorts from Hawaii just aren't cutting it any longer. All in all it's been a good week and I love having things done off our list.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

30 Weeks

30 weeks ( sorry for the crappy iphone photo done in a hotel room, because that's where I've been the last 4ish weeks)
We've made it to the 30s! 10 more weeks to go and we should have a snugly little baby in our arms ( give or take a week or two)
We've been so incredibly busy that I feel like I've sort of lost sight on the fact that I'm really pregnant. A lot of people have asked when I'm due, lots of belly rubbers and stranger comments of " you're due WHEN?" I was finally able to find some shorts and other tops that fit well so I'm back to loving my pregnant body as I find more flattering clothes.

In other words, we had our 3D/4D ultrasound this week,

How far along:
30 weeks. I feel like this has got to be one of the biggest milestones to come by. We ONLY have 10 more weeks. We have baby gear ( rock N play sleeper, pack N play and various other items) in our house. Our baby shower is in 3 days. I'm starting to get anxious and I feel like I cannot wait one more minute to meet this little. But then my rational side says, enjoy these last few weeks while we can. Oh this ride we're on. So much joy.

How are you feeling:
I'm body tired. My lungs no longer function when walking more then 6 steps. Sleeping is awful. Rib kicks hurt, and my feet are swollen. But every single moment of these aches and pains I'd take every minute of everyday to guarantee a healthy baby. Some days I go to bed singing "I'm a survivor" because really? Growing a human is hard work.

My longest standing food aversion to date has been grilled meat. Not so great timing for the Summer months but I'm hoping that will subside as bbq sauce is starting to smell worthy again. I've been eating lots of PB & J sandwiches, veggie burritos, Hansens creamy root beer and watermelon.

Weight gain/loss:
We weren't home for more then 6 hours a day over the last 10 days so we did LOTS of eating out. French fries will be the death of me. I'm up 5 lbs, putting me at 29 lbs gained. This sort of makes me want to vomit seeing that number but it is what it is. I'll be working extra hard to get it all off once baby arrives. Can we say AMEN to a BOB jogging stroller?

Baby is kung fu with all the rib kicks. I think we got ourselves a little star soccer player in the works.

We'll see in August!

What I'm loving:
Our baby shower is in 3 days then we leave the very next day for our annual Las Vegas vacation for a whole week. I can't wait to lay by the pool, finish reading 50 shades of gray, spend time with my hubby while drinking lots of frozen lemonade. I'm really loving how fast these weeks are flying by bringing us much closer to meeting our sweet baby love. Lots of my blog and twitter friends gave birth these last 2 weeks and seeing those little people in all their newborn glory just makes my ovaries ache for my own.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

25 Weeks

Keeping with the late posting. I have no excuses just busy.

I looked at my pregnancy app on my iphone and it said I had 15 weeks left ( on Tuesday) and then I died. 15 weeks is nothing, and with a packed Summer schedule I know the next few weeks are gonna fly by. Not too much to report on this week, as we're just working away. We had an amazing weekend despite our car troubles and soaked in as much sunshine as possible. This week? Rain. I guess you just never know how the weather is going to change.

Not much difference in the belly department this week. I think different outfits make me look bigger then others. In fact, I didnt even get a chance to get an official belly picture so these few instagram pics will have to do.

25 weeks 6 days

25 weeks 6 days

How far along:

25 weeks 2 days in this photo. I'm almost 6 months pregnant. Isn't it funny how pregnancy weeks work? I'm so confused and therefore have a little guide held up by magnets on our fridge so when people ask I can say I'm 5.8 months pregnant, etc. I guess essentially if you count by months we're almost 10 months pregnant in all, but what women wants to hear that?

How are you feeling:

I had to stay home from our work day on Tuesday due to a mild migraine. I'm not sure what the cause was, but it wasn't fun and nothing I did seemed to take the edge off. Other then that I'm doing great! Peeing all the time as usual, and still feeling very full after every meal despite how little I eat. It's usually always after dinner when it happens which is also when baby is the most active. My guess is the baby moved up and sits in a position squishing my stomach and makes me feel winded and overly full.


Yep.Not much I can do about genetics.

Weight gain/loss:

23 lbs on the dot. Doctor says I'm doing great so we'll just stick with that. I'm still tracking calories and watching the junk food intake.


The baby now has very active times throughout the day. I'd say the most active is right after dinner, before bed and from 6am-8am. Kicks and rolls start and she wont sit still until I roll over or get up. It's pretty funny and so amazing to feel. C can now put his hand on my belly and she'll start kicking right away. Also, in the morning we get that very strong heart beat right where she is kicking and I still can't figure out if it's mine, or the babes placenta. Also; hiccups! normally, right after lunch I'll feel a series of "pops" and then I think she gets mad or uncomfortable and moves up and they stop. So cute!


We'll see in August!

What I'm loving:

I"m looking forward to our busy Summer and soon enough having a baby to hold. I've been getting emotional just looking at my side of the bed where I know my baby will be sleeping next to me ( not IN bed with me, but in a rock and play sleeper)Opening up our big box of diapers to organize and hanging itty bitty baby clothes on itty bitty hangers. I'm doing a lot of research this week on our vaccine schedule and also booked my maternity photo shoot in June and our newborn session in August. I'm just over the moon excited and can't help but fall more in love with my husband everyday for blessing me with this gift.
Despite some aches and pains, pregnancy has been a breeze for me and already knowing it's going to be over soon makes me both happy to lose the baby weight but sad that my little will no longer be inside of me. C and I have been in talks about when we'll start trying for a second and possibly and 3rd and then came the discussion of surrogacy. It's something I would love to do, for someone else who has suffered from infertility as I have, but it all depends on how my next babies go and how easy ( or not) it is for me to gt pregnant again. At least the idea is thrown out there and we'll just see how it goes. We're happy, healthy and very loved :)