
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

California Bound

It's a really long drive that we make every 2 or 3 months. This time, we only went 30 days in between so it made it even longer.

12 hours in a truck, driving through every single weather condition you can possibly imagine only to know in the back of your mind you get to do it all over again in just a few short days. So Not COOL.

But as always, I stayed graceful and tried to see the positive side of the situation


( it's a cell phone pic. It doesn't get any bigger then this. sorry!)

The dog also made light of the situation. Actually, he was just happy he was going. He always thinks we're going to leave him every single time we start packing our suitcase. He will not leave or side, or budge for nothing.


(again with the crappy cell pic. I didnt want to pull out the big camera!)

We ended up arriving in the Napa Valley on Monday evening. We had some dinner, and went right to bed. The next day we were heading up to Lake Tahoe to do some boarding!

Unfortunately, I only got 1 or 2 pictures of Tahoe. We got there late Tuesday, and started our snowboarding lesson  early Wednesday morning.


We really had SO much fun. We bought snowboards something like 5 years ago and  haven't gotten much use out of them. We actually haven't been in close to 3 years, so we felt we should take a few refresher lessons and dust off some old snow rust. Surprisingly I didnt forget anything and picked it up really quickly. I'm thinking that Shaun White Wii game helped out! ;) I also learned a few new tricks and now can most likely master Blue runs.

We had so much fun, I think we're going to buy a few lift tickets for some local mountains in Portland and get a few more days in before the season ends.

Anyhow, we're finally home, (after yet another grueling drive home) and i'm just happy we made it home in time for Valentines Day.

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